. .

An additional characteristic that sets the v-if directive apart from the v-show directive is its support for chaining adjacent conditional directives, such as v-else and v-else-if, for even more advanced conditional rendering.. We can use these directives to add a bit of interactivity to our application by including a text message that prompts the user to . Your problem is caused by the fact that vue transition does not see the element change, it only sees the content change. This is caused by the fact that both elements have the same tag name, so vue just reuses this. To counteract this, give both elements an differed key value:



element, nor does it work with v-else.. v-if vs v-show. v-if is “real” conditional rendering because it ensures that event listeners and child components .

v-if. v-if ディレクティブは、ブロックを条件に応じて描画したい場合に使用されます。 ブロックは、ディレクティブの式が真を返す場合のみ描画されます。 < h1 v-if = "awesome" > Vue is awesome! これは、v-else で “else ブロック” を追加することも可能です: < h1 v-if = "awesome" > Vue is awesome! < h1 .

v-ifとv-showの違い. v-if は ディレクティブの式が真を返す場合のみ描画 されます。. 式の結果が真の時は描画し、偽のときは破棄されるんですね。. 例えば v-else-if と v-else で10個連結したとしても、真になった1つだけが描画され、それ以外は描画されない .Definition and Usage. The v-else-if directive is used to render an element conditionally. The v-else-if directive can only be used after an element with v-if, or after another element with v-else-if. When v-else-if is used on an element, it must be followed by an expression: If the expression evaluates to 'true', the element and all its content . OK, it could be improved but here is my way to resolve this : My list component receive by props a reference list of avalaible permissions and receive a comparing list to the role's permission so when the comparing returns true it will display a toggle switch wich appear set on ON position and OFF if it's false. v-else-if directive is a Vue.js directive used to toggle the display CSS property of an element depending on a condition when the if condition is not satisfied. First, we will create a div element with id as app .

Vue.js là m?t framework JavaScript linh ??ng cho vi?c xay d?ng các ?ng d?ng web t??ng tác. Trong h??ng d?n này, b?n s? h?c cách s? d?ng các ch? th? v-if, v-else, v-else-if và v-show ?? ki?m soát vi?c hi?n th? các ph?n t? HTML theo ?i?u ki?n. B?n c?ng s? bi?t ???c s? khác bi?t gi?a v-if và v-show, c?ng nh? .

如果你想學習 Vue 的模板語法,特別是條件判斷的指令,那麼這篇文章是你不可錯過的。你將學到 v-if, v-else, v-else-if, v-show 的用法和差異,並看到一些實際的範例和解釋。這篇文章是 Vue 的模板語法系列的第十篇,讓你快速掌握 Vue 的基礎知識。

La diferencia es que un elemento con v-show siempre se renderizará y permanecerá en el DOM; v-show simplemente alterna la propiedad CSS display del elemento.. Observe que el uso de v-show no es compatible con elementos